Feeling the love at the Glebe Shul launch event. (From Left to Right): Alexandra Kuperman, Rachel Levine, Michael Goldstein, Josh Raizman, Miriam Farber.
The Glebe Shul celebrated its official launch on the 15th day of the Hebrew month of Av (known as Tu B’Av). Regarded by many as a day of love, hope and community connections, this seemed the perfect time to introduce the new shul to Ottawa.
“It’s more than just a day for interpersonal relationships,” Rabbi Michael Goldstein told the crowd of more than 60 young, urban Jewish professionals who came out to the launch event at his home on Fifth Avenue. “It’s also a day celebrating our connection to the divine. And we hope this is what the Glebe Shul can be for all of you, a place to make connections. A place to eat together, pray together, and share a love for exploring spirituality together.
On the Friday night leading up to the launch event, Rabbi Goldstein and his wife Stacy hosted the first official Shabbat dinner and davening. The couple never before had such a large minyan under their roof.
“We were shoulder to shoulder, wall to wall. And the ruach, the energy was really amazing,” said Stacy.
Rachel and Justine Levine, who took care of most of the organization for the wine and cheese party on Tu B’Av, said they were thrilled to receive so much positive feedback.
“It was a great testament to the Goldsteins and members of the launch team,” said Justin. “I’m confident it will be a sign of things to come.”